(1st PPP Medical College In India under National Medical Commission Act )
Supervised under Niti Aayog Approved By National Medical Commission
(An initiative under PPP model with Government of West Bengal)
Affiliated by West Bengal University Of Health Sciences
Accredited by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
& Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal.
Students of Santiniketan Medical College observed World Environment Day. They planted saplings on the cOLLEGE campus. Principal of medical College Prof. Dr. Gautam Narayan Sarkar was present and participated in the occasion, along with other faculty members, staffs and officials of the college.
The White Coat Ceremony was designed to welcome new MBBS students into medical education and alert beginning students of the need to balance excellence in science with compassion in patient care. It has since been adopted by hundreds of colleges and universities involved in the education and training of a variety of health and medical educations.
This ceremony marks the transition from traditional undergraduate coursework to professional graduate level medical studies. During the White Coat Ceremony, students had received their white coats and declared their acceptance of the obligations inherent to the practice of medicine, their commitment to the profession, and their devotion to leading lives of significance, compassion, and integrity.